Organizational Culture, Work Commitment and Compensation Effect on Job Satisfaction and Police Members Performance in Makassar Metropolitan City Police (POLRESTABES)
An important moment of the application of human resource management is to make every Police members in an organization able to carry out its vision, mission, main tasks and functions as well as the values adopted by an organization to progress and develop. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of organizational culture, commitment and compensation on job satisfaction and Police Members performance, to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on Police Members performance, and to analyze the influence of organizational culture, commitment and compensation through job satisfaction on Police Members performance.The study was conducted in Makassar metropolitan city police (Polrestabes) with a population of 2.160 people and the sample was determined by full sampling of 187 Police Members. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model using AMOS 18 assistance. The results of the study found that organizational culture and work commitment has a positive effect on Police Members satisfaction. Compensation and organizational culture has a negative effect on Police Members satisfaction. Directly, organizational commitment, compensation and job satisfaction has a positive effect on Police Members performance. Indirectly, organizational culture, organizational commitment and compensation through job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Police Members performance.
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Muhammad Dong,
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Baharuddin Latief,
Contributions Of Human Resources Development, Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment, And Work Motivation On Good Governance And Police Officer Performance (Study Of Police Officer In South Sulawesi Regional Police) , European Journal of Business and Management Research: Vol. 4 No. 6 (2019)