Consumer Susceptibility to E-banking Services: Evidence from Retail Banking sector of The Gambia
Electronic banking (e-banking) is a growing phenomenon in the world of the seamless, dynamic business environment. E-banking allows customers to conduct financial banking transactions through the interface of electronic devices. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate customer susceptibility to e-banking among retail banking clients of The Gambia. A quantitative, survey approach was adopted. A total of 144 respondents participated in the study. Results of the empirical, multiple linear regression confirm that all predictor variables (independent variables) such as perceived risk, security, and privacy concerns have a significant impact on a model outcome (perceived trust). It can be deduced from the findings, that despite the growing adoption of e-banking practices in our economies, we are seeing significant customer susceptibility to e-banking. For example, highly internet proliferated economies have a greater desire for increase e-banking, while the reverse perhaps the case for clients in the third world economies, particularly in The Gambia.
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