
Brand equity, price, product quality, customer satisfaction, and the importance of customer loyalty in marketing which is the target and expectation of every company. Marketers expect to be able to retain their customers in the long term, even if possible forever. Therefore, this study wants to examine the factors that affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. These factors are brand equity, price, product quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The required data were obtained through interviews using a questionnaire to 120 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and SPSS 21 techniques. The results of hypothesis testing prove that brand equity has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, Price is a negative effect on customer satisfaction, Product quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer loyalty, Brand Equity has a positive effect on customer loyalty, Price is a negative effect on customer loyalty, Product quality has a positive effect on customer loyalty, brand equity has a positive effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction, the price is a negative effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction, product quality has a positive effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. Based on the results of testing the hypothesis, several managerial implications can be drawn, namely, that loyalty can be increased by increasing customer satisfaction, brand equity, price, and product quality. This is done by providing competitive prices according to the quality of the product. If the quality of the product is increased, the price will not affect the customer if it is increased, so automatically satisfaction will be formed, by itself a strong customer loyalty is formed. So it can be said that price does not affect in determining the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty because other very strong variables shape satisfaction and loyalty. High prices do not guarantee customers will be satisfied as well if the price of the product is cheap as long as the price is still reasonable for substitution category goods.


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