Construction Time Overrun Related Risks as a Determinant of Completion of Public Private Partnership Projects in Kenya. Case Study of Sondu Miriu Hydropower Project
In development projects especially those of construction in nature, working within the time schedules is paramount and normally an issue of conflict. Emergence of Public Private Partnership to remedy delays in project has not been that perfect but provides a platform for risk sharing between stakeholders. This study borrowed on contingency theory to investigate the extent to which time overrun related risks impact on project delivery through PPP models. In the null, the hypothesis that time overrun related risks do not have an influence on project delivery was tested using entire management team of the completed construction project sampled randomly to give 71 participants. Questionnaires and interview schedules were applied to obtain research data. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used in analysis where regression analysis was used to determine variable effects. The null hypothesis was tested at 95% confidence level and found that there was a strong negative correlation between the variables, r (38) = -0.975 (p<.05) which implies that construction time overrun related risks significantly influence project delivery. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected. The study recommends that stakeholders in PPPs should come together at initial stages to ensure that project drawings are made and approved in time to facilitate speedy execution of the overall project and avoid unnecessary design changes by involving all stakeholders to reduce time overrun.
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