Acceptance Model of Hospital Information Management System: Case of Study in Indonesia
In this digital era, Hospitals must follow the competition that demands professionally managed services which cannot be separated from the role of computer technology. Therefore, a hospital needs a management information system that can integrate all its activities in order to improve performance and services, which is better known as Hospital Information System Management (HIS). The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual application of hospital management information systems using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method with behavior intention as the intervening variable.
This research method is done using the quantitative approach, type of causality in the form of survey, one short study time horizon in the form of a questionnaire using Path Analysis. The analysis units are 100 respondents of employees at Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital in Jakarta, who used HIS 2020. Purposive Sampling was used as the sampling technique. The results showed that attitude towards using HIS had a positive effect on behavioral intention to use. Perceived Usefulness has a positive effect on behavioral intention to use. Perceived Ease of use has a positive effect on behavioral intention to use. Behavioral intention to use has a positive effect on actual technology to use. Attitude toward using has a positive effect on actual technology to use. Perceived Ease of use has a positive effect on actual technology to use. The research findings indicate that the behavioral intention to use variable is a variable that increases the use of HIS because it can benefit from the use by the user. The implication in realizing the increase in HIS requires policies and commitment of hospital management in mandatory, advocacy, socialization, training, monitoring and evaluation related to HIS in each unit.
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