Analysis of Service Quality Towards Patient Satisfaction (Comparative Study of Patients Using Telemedicine Application and Face to Face Consultation in Healthcare)
The world today knows the use of technology in more areas of life than ever. The invention of health technology enables health workers to utilize telecommunication devices in delivering care, easing access to healthcare anywhere, anytime. Telemedicine Application is one of the rapidly developing health applications in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the association between quality of services, including tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, and patient satisfaction in Telemedicine Application users compared to conventional health services (face-to-face). Primary data were obtained from 100 respondents who had received healthcare either from Telemedicine Application or face-to-face (conventional) throughout 2019. Data analysis used path analysis and the Wilcoxon test. This study found that service quality, both in Telemedicine Application and conventional care, influenced patient satisfaction. In subjects using Telemedicine Application, reliability and responsiveness did not significantly influence patient satisfaction. Whereas in patients receiving conventional care, tangibility, responsiveness, and empathy were not significantly influential to patient satisfaction. Conventional patient satisfaction is significantly higher compared to Telemedicine Application patient satisfaction.
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