
This study aims to examine the effect of the work environment, compensation on job satisfaction, and officer performance. This research was conducted in eight Public Health Centers in Pinrang Regency with a population of 322 people; researchers took 220 people as samples. This research method uses regressive research with a quantitative approach. The technique of collecting data by making observations with the media questionnaire. The method of analysis uses inferential statistics with a parametric data type and uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the work environment variable on employee performance had a positive and significant effect because it had t-value = 2.97 > 1.96 (t-table). Likewise, the work environment on job satisfaction has at-value = 2.31> 1.96 (t-table) which means that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. The work environment on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction also has a significant effect with t-value = -2.32> 1.96 (t-table). However, the compensation variable on employee performance shows no and significant effect because the t-value = 0.00 <1.96 (t-table). The compensation variable on job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect with t-value = 2.97> 1.96 (t-table). Likewise, the compensation variable on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable has at-value = 3.36> 1.96 (t-table) which means that positive job satisfaction mediates the relationship between compensation and employee performance. With t-value = -2.73> 1.96 (t-table), so it can be interpreted that the job satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on officer performance.


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