
Background and purpose: The implementation of Hospital Information System (HIS) is important to achieve strategic objectives based on quality services. For this reason, an evaluation is needed to find out how the benefits of HIS in the hospital work unit. This study uses the evaluation framework of Human, Organization, Technology (HOT) Fit which was introduced by Yusof in 2008.

Methods: This research method was carried out using a mixed method approach where the quantitative approach was processed by using Partial Least Square. The sample was obtained through proportionate stratified random sampling, namely 201 respondents who were employees of HIS users in MHJS hospital. The research instrument used a questionnaire and was measured using a Likert scale

Results: Based on the results of the t-statistic test, there is a misfit which appears in the insignificant direct effect between service quality on user satisfaction (p-value 0.062), service quality on system use (p-value 0.063), organizational structure for system use (p-value 0.492) and user satisfaction with system usefulness (p-value 0.188).

Conclusions: It is necessary to improve the service quality because does not significantly influence user satisfaction and system use. System quality provides a dominant influence on user satisfaction, the use of systems and organizational structures so that management plays a very important role in the implementation of HIS in MHJS hospital.


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