
This study was prepared with the intention of analyzing the impact of the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Mechanism on the Stubben Model of Profit Management (analysis of Mining Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2014-2019). The population used in the study is the mining sector companies on the IDX. The sample selection method used purposive sampling technique. To process data after sample selection, compile a research model, determine the variables analyzed in the study, and propose a hypothesis, the next step is to carry out data processing procedures through regression analysis with panel data. The results of the analysis conclude that (1) Institutional Ownership has a negative and significant impact on Earnings Management, (2) Managerial Ownership has a negative and significant impact on Earnings Management, (3) The Independent Board of Commissioners has a negative and significant impact on Earnings Management, (4) The Audit Committee has a negative and significant impact on Earnings Management, and (5) Audit Quality has a negative and significant impact on Earnings Management.


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