Impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction
Nowadays, different organizations and institutions are passing through challenges due to the fact of the working environment. For better job satisfaction working environment is considered as the prime factor to be considered by the employers. To keep the steady upward growth of the institutions it is mandatory to keep the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity of the employees by providing different facilities. And, working environment is the most crucial demand of the employees. Therefore, providing better working environment is also the prime concern of the organizations or institutions to maintain the steady workforce for the business to run. The objectives of this study are to understand the impact of working environment on job satisfaction by the quantitative and qualitative analysis of contributing characters. Data collections were done through a well-constructed questionnaire. The contributing populations were from two organizations named Department of Agricultural Extension and Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board. The sampling was done specifically from the one of the districts in Bangladesh. The study showed significant impacts of working environment on job satisfaction. As, without providing better facilities organizations can’t run properly, whereas- working environment is the prime concerning issue of the employee. Therefore, this study concluded as for the better job satisfaction working environment needs to be focused.
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