Research on Marketing Strategy for A Ketogenic Food Start Up Business in Bandung
Many people feel it is necessary to have a slender body and pursuing it through various ways, including diet. The ketogenic diet is a low-carb and high-fat diet and has been proven to be one of the effective diets to lose weight. The preliminary research shows the lack of choices of pure keto-friendly food on the market is the main problem of keto dieters. This is seen as a good opportunity from a business perspective and further research was conducted. The research was done using a qualitative method in-depth interviews to gain perspective on how to market a ketogenic food provider. The respondents are those who have dieted and have had a problem in body weight. There are 7 out of 8 respondents said they would consider doing the keto diet in the future. This research results that the suitable target consumers are people with age of 22-35 years old, have monthly income >Rp3.000.000,00, currently in college and college graduate, student, and employee, in upper middle social class, have interests in weight loss and delicious food, and body goals oriented. The personas for this target market are lazy dieters, weight loss achievers, and experimental dieters. The result for marketing strategy is a 4P marketing mix. The products are keto-friendly heavy meals and desserts. The price per item is between Rp50.000,00-Rp75.000,00. The consumers can make the purchase online. The promotions are educational and informative contents, endorsement, paid promote, discount, and cheaper price for weekly meal plan purchase.
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