Organizational Culture Assessment at Ethio-Telecom Using Competing Value Framework
The purpose of this study is to assess current dominant and future desired organizational culture at Ethio-telecom Jimma region offices as perceived by employees using competing value framework. The objective is to identify and understand cultural changes needed to manage organizational change Ethio-telecom embarks on effectively. Through a survey research design, a sample of 100 employees who were randomly selected took part in the study. Organizational change assessment instrument (OCAI), standard questionnaire developed by Cameron and Quinn’s (2006) used to collect data from respondents. Four types of culture clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market assessed from six attributes of culture or dimensions: dominant characteristics, organizational leadership, and management of employees, organizational glue, strategic emphasis, and criteria of success. Standard mean score (Z score), t-test and analysis of variance employed to address the research questions. The results show that clan culture is the dominant typology at the moment while market oriented culture is found as future desired organizational culture. Moreover, the findings revealed statistically no significant variation among employees in their perception of current dominant culture and choice of future desired culture.
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