
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of intelligence, local wisdom, and organizational, culture on organizational commitment, to analyze the influence of potential intelligence, local wisdom and organizational culture on performance, to analyze the effect of organizational commitment on performance, and to analyze the influence of potential intelligence, local wisdom, and culture. The organization through an organizational commitment to performance. The research was carried out at the Wajo District Government with a population of 5,991 employees from 11 SKPD and set a sample of 375 people as respondents based on the Slovin formula. The questionnaire results were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model using AMOS 18 assistance. The results found that organizational culture had a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance. This indicates that the indicators of organizational culture in the form of integrity, identity, responsibility, discipline, and results in orientation are considered to be improved and enhanced in obtaining the realization of work results by employee performance achievements. The organizational culture that has a negative and insignificant effect does not mean that organizational culture is not implemented, but the meaning of the values, rules, and principles of the founders of the organization has undergone a shift to make changes towards achieving work results orientation in supporting employee performance improvement. Without ignoring other variables, namely intelligence, local wisdom, and commitment to performance.


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