The Effect of Talent Management, Knowledge Management and Work Culture on the Performance in the Survey Unit Centre of Hydrography and Oceanography Indonesia Naval (Pushidrosal)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether talent management, knowledge management and work culture have a significant influence on organizational performance. The research method used is explanatory research conducted quantitatively. In order to obtain complete and relevant data, in addition to primary data in the form of surveys, researchers also use secondary data. The author took a sample of 100 members of the PT X survey unit. Data were collected using a questionnaire in the form of a list of questions. The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that talent management does not have a significant effect on organization performance. Knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on organization performance. Work Culture has no significant effect on organization performance. Talent management, knowledge management and work culture together have a significant effect on organization performance. Suggestions given in this research are that the organization must consistently and continuously provide understanding to personnel, in order to use the opportunities given by the organization to improve competence and qualifications through education and training. Personnel must also ensure that improvements in the quality of work results come from education and training. By improving talent management practices, knowledge management and work culture it is hoped that it can improve organizational performance and achieve company goals.
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