
In this research the entrepreneurial actions and intentions that drive university students to create social businesses and participate in an international competition were analyzed. The study was conducted during the training week of a social business competition in September 2019. The methodology was qualitative, with case studies in a group of twelve students whose projects were selected to compete at the semi-final round of an international social business competition. Interviews were applied to competitors which revealed the circumstances that encouraged them to address a social problem and develop a project with a solution which will be presented in an international stage. Simultaneously, an observation guide was applied for the interpretation of the emotional expressions (typical of social entrepreneurship) associated with their responses and finally, an electronic link was shared with participants for them to answer a validated instrument that measured the university entrepreneurial potential. Main findings indicate that entrepreneurial actions of the students to create a social business and present it in a competition in the form of a social business project rest on motives that vary from a personal origin to the collective, revealed from moments of inspiration and personal commitment to address a social problem and seeking a sustainable solution, designed from resources and personal skills in a very particular emotional atmosphere. Finally, a sum up from all inputs (surveys and direct observation) revealed that social entrepreneurial intentions lie on a positive attitude, strong enterprise convictions and high desirability for becoming an entrepreneur and contribute to solve social problems.


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