The Effect of Halal Products and Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions with Purchase Interest as Mediating Variables
This study aims to know and clarify the influence of halal products and brand image on purchasing decisions with purchase intentions as mediating variables. Respondent – 98 employees (purposive sampling). Data collection is conducted through interviews and questionnaires. The data in the analysis uses path analysis (software SmartPls 3.0). The results of the study showed that:
(1) Halal Products have a significant positive effect on Purchase Intentions.
(2) Brand Image has a significant positive effect on Purchase Intention.
(3) Purchase Intention as a mediator in this study has a significant effect on the Purchase Decision.
(4) Halal products have a significant positive effect on Purchasing Decisions.
(5) Brand Image has a significant positive effect on Purchasing Decisions.
(6) Purchase Intention mediates Halal Products to Purchase Decisions and
(7) Purchase Intention do not mediate Brand Image against Purchasing Decisions.
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