
Human resources are important resources that support organizations in achieving competitive advantage. Therefore, it is important to involve employees to drive the strategic goals of the organization. Heavy equipment transportation services in the era of globalization are expected to face increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, the quality of the organization must be considered. This is inseparable from the role of human resources who will be required to carry out their duties and functions properly. The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze job insecurity, compensation, and work conflicts on the turnover intention and the employe performance. This study employs samples consisted of all employes who work at PT. Tangguh Jaya Bersama with a total population of 50 employees. The results indicate that variable job insecurity, and work conflicts have a positive and significant impact on turnover intention. Whereas the compensation has a negative and significant on turnover intention. The variable compensation and work conflicts have a significantly positive on employee performance, whereas the jobs insecurity have a significantly negative on employee performance. The variable turnover intention has a significantly negative on employee performance.


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