The Influence of Green Transformational Leadership and Motivation to Sustainable Corporate Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment as a Mediating: Case Study at PT Karya Mandiri Sukses Sentosa
This research was conducted aiming to reveal how much the influence of Green Transformational Leadership and Motivation on Sustainable Corporate Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior for The Environment (OCBE) as a mediating variable. The method of data collection in this research used a questionnaire method by taking a saturated sample of 40 employees at PT Karya Mandiri Sukses Sentosa. Data analysis used descriptive statistics using SPSS and analysis method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with variance-based multivariate statistical techniques using PLS. The results showed that: 1) There was a positive and significant influence on green transformational leadership on sustainable corporate performance, 2) There was a positive and significant influence motivation on sustainable corporate performance, 3) There was a positive and significant influence OCBE on sustainable corporate performance, 4) There was a positive and significant influence on Green Transformational leadership towards OCBE, 5) There was a positive and significant influence motivation on OCBE, 6) OCBE mediates the influence of green transformational leadership on sustainable corporate performance, 7) OCBE mediates the influence of motivation on sustainable corporate performance.
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