
This research is a proof-of-concept of important analytical and / or experimental functions and / or characteristics. In the era of globalization, business competition has become very fierce. Many companies cannot last long because they are unable to compete with other similar companies. To face this competition, companies are required to work effectively and efficiently. In order for companies to work effectively and efficiently, companies need a good work plan. A good work plan is usually made by management. Management is required to be able to produce decisions that can support the development of the company so that the company's goals can be achieved. This study aims to examine and examine the effect of good corporate governance and company characteristics on the disclosure of sustainability reports. The data used in this study are secondary data in the form of financial reports of basic and chemical industry sub-sector manufacturing companies reported to the IDX from 2016 - 2018 sourced from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, namely www.idx.co.id. Measurement of good corporate governance is the board of commissioners and audit committee and measurement of company characteristics, namely the road size of the company. The data analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are the independent board of commissioners and profitability has a significant effect on the sustainability report and the audit committee and company size has no significant effect on the sustainability report.


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