Marketing Themes and Topic: A Content Analysis of the Articles Published in the Top Marketing Journals from 2015 to 2020
The purpose of this study is to investigate the most important themes and topics in the marketing field in the top of three published marketing journals: Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Journal of Marketing. between 2015–2020, in order to identifying the marketing researchers’ interest and topics in each theme.
With a reviewing a number of (1027) published articles in the selected articles between 2015 - 2020, the study found that the Journal of Marketing Research has got a share of 40% (420 articles) of the total published articles compared to 31% (318 articles) for the Marketing Science Journal, and 29% (289 articles) for the Journal of Marketing.
The study resulted that the E- Marketing, advertising, consumer behavior, product development and pricing themes have got a share of 35% (363 articles) of the total published articles of those three journals (1027) published articles.
E-Marketing has got the highest interest of the three top journals interest with a total of 97 published articles. Then advertising theme has got the second interest with 81 published articles each, and finally, consumer behavior and product development themes have got around 60 published articles.
However, the study showed that green marketing and international marketing themes had very week interest in the three journals with a total of five articles published in the selected journals between 2015–2020.
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