Effect of Customer Perception on Salesperson Owned Commitment in Customer-Salesperson Relationship
Selling products and gaining profit is the main mission of a private Sales forces with their specialized relationships can determine the fate of transactions and make companies successful in achieving their ideal goals. Buyer-seller relationships can significantly reduce the marketing costs of the organization. Therefore, the impact of sales forces in an organization is relatively high in the past. A better understanding of the sales professional dimension will lead to the formation of long-term relationships and increase a company's profitability. However, although much research has been done on the issue of company-customer relationships, there have been extensive studies on the perception of consumer behavior by vendors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of trust, reputation, and reputation of the seller on the commitment to the seller with the mediating roles of good interaction and perceived risk. The statistical population of this study was 250 customers of a retail company. In order to collect the required data, an electronic questionnaire was designed and distributed among the statistical reporters using the available sampling method. Validity of the questionnaire using content and structural methods was determined.
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