
Effectively handling knowledge is crucial for any organization to survive and prosper in the turbulent environments of the modern era. However, Effective knowledge management implementation requires the presence of organizational, Human, and Technological appropriate infrastructure. throughout, the literature Most authors cite (Management leadership and Information Technology).

The main objective of this study was to verify the presence of success factors for (KM) implementation at the Moroccan universities via the Abdelmalek Essaadi University subject of this work.

Through deductive reasoning approach and a quantitative working method, Using the questionnaire as a tool to collect data from a proportional random and representative sample of 88 teacher-researchers from the different institutions of the university under study. 

This paper presents empirical evidence of the positive relationship between (Management leadership, IT) and (KM) implementation at Moroccan universities with a Pearson correlation rate of R = 0.635 For Management leadership and 0.554 for Information Technology.

Also, the results obtained show insufficiency presence of initiatives for (KM) application, with an average of 2.14 for leadership and 2.29 concerning (IT) according to the university's teachers.


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