
Capturing the Voice of the Customer for Paper-notebook Product Development

Puteri Annisa Tsamrotul Fuadah, Eko Agus Prasetio
 Abstract views: 747
  Downloads: 434

Capital Structure and the Shareholder Value of Commercial Banks in Nigeria

Bariweni Binaebi, Bingilar Paymaster Frank
 Abstract views: 551
  Downloads: 413

Higher Education in Developing Countries: Financial Aspects in Uzbekistan

Akhmadbek Yusupov, Nodir Jumaev, Dilshodjon Rakhmonov
 Abstract views: 332
  Downloads: 341

Service Quality Towards Bank Customer Loyalty (Empirical Study at BNI USU Medan)

Dedy Ansari Harahap, Ratih Hurriyati, Disman ,, Vanessa Gaffar, Dita Amanah
 Abstract views: 1173
  Downloads: 622